And here's the last of my (published) pictures. That's right! There are photos worse than the ones from yesterday with all the mouth-pooping.
(They were blurry or boring.)
Figgered I should take some pictures of some toys, since this is usually a toy blog. This is DC Direct's "Battle for the Cowl" wave. I totally need that Stephanie Brown Batgirl. And probably that hilarious Two-Face that was infuriatingly only a hallucination.
Sunday was kind of a no man's land for the Webcomics Pavilion... except if you were Jeph Jacques. How I hate him.
Since Sunday was kinda dead, I spent time drawing and coloring on my own. Markers are fun!
Reader asked for Reagan vs Hitler. Reader got Reagan vs Hitler. Hooray for democracy!
Argh. Well, first, let me address everyone's missing weekend comics. I had a Joyce & Walky! done days ago, but for some reason the old FTP wasn't working (J&W! is still at the old server) and I couldn't get that fixed before I left. And I planned to draw TNI's strip at C2E2, but then I forgot about it. D'oh. Anyway, I'm a loser, and you'll have your comics when I get home and things are resolved and/or drawn.
Some of these images are kind of gross. Three of them, in fact. They are mere links, because, you know. (You may recall that Jeph Jacques and I have a "feud." In fact, you obviously do recall, because you guys keep asking us to act on it in ways such as this.) I recommend not clicking on the links that sound Not Safe For Work, because they undoubtedly are.
Commission request: Amber, Mike, and Donatello. Amber's having a hard time deciding. Nobody does anything nasty to anybody else.
My pal Bluestreak07 and his friends brought me a motherfuckin' KFC Double Down. Friggin' AWESOME. I ate the whole thing and regretted it soon.
Kel McDonald got this business card from somebody and just had to share. It is the douchiest card we've ever seen. And yes, we're including that one card from that guy which "isn't meant for a Rolodex."